heelo webizens, if youre reading this, get out !!!! there is nothing to see here yet !!!!!
i am the admin behind the vocal synth birthday accounts on twitter, tumblr, instagram, and tiktok, as of writing this, 13/11/2023, i am on an indefinate hiatus for personal reasons, but i will be back.
however i cannot run those accounts forever. i plan to finish this year, do one more year on social medias at most, and then work on this website. on here i will basically reupload all the information and things from my posts. i will try to link my sources for things as well, but i have not been keeping track of them for the past year, so it might be a little difficult.
this website is the final form of vocalsynthbirthdays though.
once i finish my 2 years on social media im not touching those again, and once i finish with this website, im also leaving it. there will be new synths, there will be updates, but i will stop updating this website after a certain point regardless. there are already plenty of ongoing fan-run wikis and databases for vocal synths, and i am just one person, so i will be leaving this project to rest at some point.
i hope that when i am finished this website it is nice and that people like it, and that it can be a look back on 2-ish years of my work,
until then though, i hope you all continue to follow me along as i post about silly singing computers, that you all have a nice day, and that you finally fucking get off this website i told you to leave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

upadte 08/01/2024

i am back to posting birthdays this year, and i hope it goes more smoothly and that i dont need to go away for a long period of time again. i might start wotking on this site a little tiny bit maybe but dont get your hopes up and still go away because theres nothing ot see here still

still a huge wip obv, but here !!!